Monday, May 18, 2009

Your Passion IS Your Niche

Alot of people out there are wondering what it takes to make a life marketing online. What niche should they go into?

Funny thing is, the answer to that question is both: exactly the same, and completely unique for each person.

How so? Well, its like this.

The answer to that question is the SAME for every person in that the key = passion.

The answer is DIFFERENT for every person because the specific passion that you need = YOUR PASSION... and that is totally unique to you. No-one else's passion is quite the same.

And believe me, there are a lot of people out there looking for answers, information, services, or solutions that ONLY you can answer. That is YOUR niche.

It's true. I don't care what it is you are truly passionate about today, but I can guarantee that there are people right now searching for answers and would be willing to PAY YOU for the convenience of having your opinion, research, information, product, software solution, artistic expression, or consulting.

Think about it. What is YOUR passion?

Until next time...

Friday, May 8, 2009

A Web Between Our Ears

There's a web between our ears with such unimaginable depth and breadth of access to knowledge and information that it completely eclipses what's available through the browser. In fact, this personal-mental web gives you direct access to the entire universe of information and energy. This spiritual web connects us all and feeds the heart and soul with exacting data from the cosmic computer, nurturing us from the void.

Its like living tissue, a spiritual garment.. a fabric into which we are all woven.

Can you feel it, experience it? Believe it, that's your money maker...

Look at it, carry it with you always, show it off.

It's the real You.

PS: The rest of this blog is about your business, your passion, and how you can manifest it online. :)